365 Days Handmade

Making life a better place, one day at a time

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Week 10/52: New ‘do

I was going to share photos of this week’s sock progress (one finished sock and two new ones on the needles!), but I spent five hours at the hair salon this afternoon, and then Sean and I had An Event to attend, and by the time we got home this evening, it was too late to take any good sock photos for the blog.

I did, however, take Before and After photos of my hair, so I figure I’ll share those, instead.

The big deal about today’s ‘do is that I’d spent the last two years growing out my hair and keeping my natural haircolor.  My original plan was to cut off 12 inches and donate it to Locks of Love.  As my hair got longer, though, I realized that I really didn’t want to part with it.  Also, I was informed by friends on social media that Locks of Love charges for the wigs that they make out of donated hair.  That’s when I definitely decided not to cut my hair and to go ahead and chemically treat it.

So I went from this, this morning:


to this, this afternoon:


And tomorrow I’ll share photos of my socks, I promise.

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Day 212/365: First Haircut All Year

I took Friday off from work today because I had a dental appointment and a hair appointment in Ventura.  After breakfast, Sean and I got into The Rental and he drove while I tried to hand-sew the binding on the third quilted placemat in the set of three that I’m making for my cousin.  Unfortunately, we hit a lot of traffic and the stop-and-go movement was making me carsick, so I set the placemat aside to finish later.

On a separate note, I have been growing my hair out for Locks of Love.  I plan to donate at least ten inches, but I’m currently a couple inches shy of my goal.  In the meantime, I still needed to get the scraggly ends trimmed, so I scheduled to get this haircut today.  It’s the first one I’ve had all year, and I’m pretty happy with it.  I asked Sean to take a photo so I could text it to my hairstylist to thank her, and this one was my favorite.  Even though it’s a blurry action shot, you can tell I am stoked.
