365 Days Handmade

Making life a better place, one day at a time


Day 364/365: The Second to Last Day

I got home late from work tonight, and then I had to write out a grocery list, go to the supermarket, shop for food, come home, put away the groceries, and make dinner.  Poor Sean is sick with the same bug that I had a few days ago, but he is trying to be tough and not take any pills like I did.  Dinner was comfort food of homemade mashed potatoes, peas and corn, and fried chicken that I purchased from the supermarket deli.  By the time we finished eating and I tidied the kitchen to a reasonable state, it was 8:30 PM, half an hour away from my bedtime. I still had to write today’s blog post.

I sat and stared at the computer for a little bit, typed up a few words, read what I wrote, and then deleted the whole thing.

“I got nothing,” I told Sean, who was stretched out on the couch with a book.  “Day 364 out of 365, and I got nothing.”

Sean laughed.  “That should be your blog post,” he said.

I picked up my phone and scrolled through recent photos in the gallery.  I came across this one.  I thought it would be the perfect one to share with you tonight, on the second to last day of this year in which I made the commitment to post a blog entry every day for 365 days.


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Day 363/365: Progress

I go back to work tomorrow.  I’m feeling better today than yesterday, and I managed to crochet a few more stitches on the afghan.  So that’s progress.

I’m bummed that I was down with a virus for the majority of my Christmas break.  The good news, though, is that I only have to work two days this week.  Friday is a state holiday (New Year’s Day?!!!), and Monday is my regular day off.  Hopefully, I’ll be a lot healthier and stronger then.




Day 362/365: Yarn Tails

My sore throat went away, but I’m still not one hundred percent well.  I’ve been trying to take it easy and managed to crochet a few more rows on the Coastal Ripples afghan.  I like the range of tones and the overall color palette, but there is one major drawback to changing strands of yarn every two rows:

Loose ends.

I really need to get better about weaving them in sooner rather than later.



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Day 360/365: Boxing Day

I wanted to ride my new bike today and test it out on the Black Hill trail, but I started having a sore throat late last night.  When I got up this morning, I knew I’d caught a bug.  I tried to ward off further symptoms by downing Wellness Formula pills and Zicam tablets and Halls cough drops all day, but at this point now I’m pretty sure it’s a virus and I can’t stop it.

Sean and I did leave the house this afternoon to run a couple of errands and grab some lunch, and when we got back home, I noticed how much our little front yard has been thriving.  The rain from the past week did a lot to bring some life back into my plants.


I’m not much of a gardener– I prefer the overgrown wilderness look.  I think it makes a better habitat for my gnomes.

Wouldn’t you agree?




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Day 357/365: Thumbprint Jam Shortbread Cookies

I have to work tomorrow, but only for six hours.  This year, the governor came through again, and full-time Department of Corrections employees received four hours of leave that can be used either on Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve.  I’ll be using my four hours tomorrow afternoon and leaving at 2 PM, after my Lifers Support Group is over.  I could easily just cancel the group, but I know those guys enjoy the hour of support and discussion, and it seems to me that they would especially want to meet on the day before a major holiday.

Anyway, leaving after 2 PM tomorrow means that I don’t have to start until 8 AM, which means that I’m able to stay up a little later tonight and bake these cookies to bring to work.


They are simple shortbread cookies made with two sticks of butter, 2/3 cup of sugar, 2 cups of flour, and a teaspoon of almond extract.  I like to fill the centers with cherry preserves, but you can use whatever jam or jelly you prefer.


They are a favorite among the correctional officers who do the pat-downs and searches on inmates who come into our building (and into my office), so I am definitely making sure those officers get their own bags of cookies.



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Day 356/365: Holiday Treat Bags

Every year that I have worked at the prison, I’ve always made sure to give a card or homemade treat or a small gift of candy to the correctional officers who work in our yard.  It’s my way of showing how much I appreciate them and their assistance in making sure that I get my own job done.

It also ensures that I’m well-liked by custody and that they’ll certainly run to my office if I ever have to hit my personal alarm device.

Tonight I put together these gift bags of candy canes and assorted Lindor and Ghirardelli chocolates.  This year I’m also adding a holiday scratch-off lottery ticket.

I think these bags will be well-received among the officers.  Especially if those tickets turn out to be lucky.


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Day 355/365: One Last Yarn Splurge

Sean and I left Ventura and drove back up to Morro Bay this afternoon.  When we pulled into our driveway, I saw the rocking chair on the porch and felt immensely grateful to be living in such a safe neighborhood.


Four of the packages were Christmas presents.  The large pillow-shaped one on top, though, was the Attic 24 Sunny Yarn Pack that I ordered online from Wool Warehouse just last week Sunday.  I was surprised that it arrived so soon.  It came from England, and I had expected about ten days for delivery.


I’d been trying to resist ordering it, but seeing Lucy’s progress with the Sunny Crochet-Along on her website Attic 24 totally sold me.

As you know, I am currently crocheting the Coastal Ripples afghan that she designed.  Having the Sunny Pack waiting in the wings is now a good motivator for me to finish the Coastal Ripples afghan by the end of this year.  Luckily, I have some vacation time coming up.  I am very much looking forward to the holidays.