365 Days Handmade

Making life a better place, one day at a time

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Day 23/365: A Moment in A Day in the Life


I don’t have any photos of a handmade project today, because by the time I remembered to take a picture, the sun was setting.  So instead I am sharing a photo that I took earlier this week, on Monday, my regular day off.  You can click the image to enlarge, and you can see a few things that I’ve written about already.  There’s the fish hat that I knitted, and the jars of iced tea instead of soda, and my first quilted placemat, and the people’s favorite, the Mexican wrestling masks placemat.  There’s a pile of fabric waiting to be made into something, maybe another patchwork block table runner.  And of course, there’s Sean, who didn’t know I took this photo, because otherwise he would have made a goofy face at the camera.  I like this photo because it captures a lot about the way we spend our time inside the house– relaxing, hanging out, engaged in leisure activity– and definitely not cleaning up.


Day 2/365 Fish Hat

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Some time in 2013, I started knitting this fish hat from this pattern.  I finished the body and just needed to add the fins and eyes.  A lot of crap was going on in my life at the time, so after I set the hat aside, I promptly forgot all about it.  2014 rolled around.  I took a quilting class in September and loved it so much that I bought a new sewing machine.  I made a bunch of quilted projects and got away from knitting.  By December, I’d completed five quilts and half a dozen holiday table runners.  It was time for a sewing break.  I went back to my knitted works-in-progress and picked up the fish hat, which Sean was calling The Seattle Sounders Hat because of its colors.

This morning, I woke early without needing the alarm clock.  I went upstairs, sat on the couch, and got to finishing that ol’ fish hat.  There was no need to cast on stitches; the fins called for picking up stitches on the body of the hat.  I’d taken today off, because yesterday was a state holiday and Monday is my regular day off anyway, so I’d have a nice long five-day weekend.  (Have I mentioned how much I love my job assignment?)  Anyway, I finished my knitting and added the final touch by sewing on the felt eyes.  After breakfast, Sean and I walked down to the Embarcadero so I could take photos.  (We would have ridden our skateboards, except his right elbow is still broken from last week when he went too fast downhill on his Christmas present skateboard.)  We took turns modeling the hat, which I really made for him.  So for now, even though he’s an L.A. Galaxy fan, he’ll be sporting Seattle Sounders colors.