365 Days Handmade

Making life a better place, one day at a time


Week 8/52: New Project

I was really trying to stick to just one project and not start another one until I finished the granny stripe blanket.  I couldn’t do it.  This week I started knitting a new sock, and then I began crocheting a new afghan.  It’s the Attic 24 Cottage Blanket yarn pack and pattern.

You’ll notice that I didn’t take the time to weave in those tail ends.  Old habits die hard.



Week 7/52: Cherimoya Progress

I’ve added a few more rows to the granny stripe afghan, but I don’t want to bore you with more of the same crocheted afghan photos this week.  Instead I’ll give you an update on another (sort of) handmade project that I started last year.

Remember my cherimoya seedlings that I grew from the seeds that I’d saved after eating the fruit?

They’d gotten to the point where it was time to separate them into their own little containers.


I’m still kind of amazed that I managed to grow these little plants from seeds.  I usually manage to kill even the most basic indoor houseplant.  If I can get these little guys to outgrow their containers and actually strong enough to plant in our backyard, that will be a huge accomplishment.  I’ll keep you posted.


Week 6/52: Striping Along


I’ve made more progress on the Attic 24 Granny Stripe afghan.  It’s going a lot faster than the Coast Ripples blanket, mainly because I’m crocheting clusters of three double crochet, rather than two hundred-something double crochets per row.  It’s been a lot of fun to change colors and see the contrasting stripes emerge, but oh man, do those tail ends kill me.


My feet.  Hiding my embarrassing need for a pedicure.


Week 5/52: New Project


I’m obsessed with crocheted blankets right now.  Shortly after I finished the Coast Ripples afghan, I started the Attic 24 Granny Stripe blanket.  For this particular project, I like having a predetermined sequence of colors to follow.  I enjoy not having to think at all about which color goes well with what, and it’s fun to see the big picture unfold in a paint-by-numbers sort of way.

I’ve also been spending a lot of time daydreaming about making another granny square afghan, especially after seeing Rosina’s lovely blanket on Zeens and Roger.  Then I have to remind myself that a) I’m trying to be more disciplined about having less WIPs, b) I don’t enjoy weaving in tail ends, and c) a blanket made entirely of granny squares would mean a shit ton of tail ends and heartache.  The last granny square afghan that I made still has half its tail ends hanging out.

Anyway, so there’s all that, and then another part of me wants to just start casting on for a new pair of socks.