365 Days Handmade

Making life a better place, one day at a time

Day 103/365: The Monday After Minneapolis

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Last night there were thunderstorms right before we were scheduled to take off, so we sat in the plane and didn’t roll away from the gate for at least forty-five minutes.  I didn’t mind waiting, because I had my knitting and was able to turn the heel of my sock and start the ribbing for the cuff.

We had a fairly comfortable flight with no turbulence.  The plane landed at LAX at 11:20 PM Pacific Time, but my body and brain were still two hours ahead with Minneapolis time.  After waiting for my bag at baggage claim, we still had to catch the shuttle to long-term parking, pick up our car, and make the drive back to Ventura.  We didn’t get home until around 1:30 AM, I think.  I’m not sure, because the minute I walked in the door, I went straight to bed.

Today I had 150 miles more to travel to my final destination, our house in Morro Bay.  Then I had a handful of errands to run, including going to the accountant to pick up our completed tax paperwork so that we can meet the April 15 deadline.

I meant to take photos of my current sock in progress, but I didn’t have time for that today.  So instead, I will share with you pictures of the statues that we looked at yesterday when we were in downtown Minneapolis and in downtown St. Paul.  With all the traveling and miles covered since then, I can’t believe that I took these photos just yesterday.


The Mary Tyler Moore statue in downtown Minneapolis.


Charlie Brown and his dog Snoopy at a park in downtown St. Paul.

Charlie Brown, his dog Snoopy, and their pal Sean.

Charlie Brown, his dog Snoopy, and their pal Sean.

Lucy and Schroeder.

Lucy and Schroeder.

Linus and Sally.

Linus and Sally.

Linus and Sally and their pal Sean.

Linus and Sally and their pal Sean.

Woodstock, Marcie, and Peppermint Patty.

Woodstock, Marcie, and Peppermint Patty.

Sean blocking Peppermint Patty's kick.

Sean and Peppermint Patty.


Woodstock, Marcie, Peppermint Patty, and their pal Sean.


Author: FC5

I make things.

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